The Need of the Hour : Plastic Recycling

July 31, 2023

The Need of the Hour : Plastic Recycling

Plastic is one versatile material that we most often make use of, so much so that it has now become an integral part of our lives and is found everywhere around us, be it at our homes, offices, schools, hospitals and at several other places. However such rampant use of plastic has also become a perilous challenge as it signifies the mammoth degradation of the environment. This is so because plastic isn’t easily decomposable and it therefore ends up contaminating and destroying the natural environment. Recycling of plastics is therefore the way forward in order to curb the otherwise devastating consequences of the growing plastic crisis. This blog attempts to throw light on reasons why plastic recycling is essential for preserving our depleting resources and the environment for the future generations. 

Benefits of Recycling Plastics :

  1. Helps Curb Plastic Pollution :

There’s no denying the fact that plastic pollution has accelerated at full throttle, especially in the past few years. About eight million metric tons of plastics enter our oceans each year and this endangers marine life and ecosystems. Recycling therefore plays a crucial role in cutting down and curbing plastic pollution. Recycling helps prevent the humongous plastic wastes from entering and depleting the waterways. This preservation of the marine environment plays a key role in sustaining the aquatic ecosystem. 

  1. Ensures a Circular Economy 

As mentioned above, the discarded plastics more often than not, end up in landfills in which it takes billions of years for the plastic to degrade, and not just that,  plastics also contribute to about 90 per cent of the wastes that depletes aquatic bodies. This essentially signifies an enormous 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile. Plastic recycling is therefore the need of the hour as it helps build a circular economy in which the resources are repeatedly circulated for as long as possible by means of reuse, recycling and regeneration. Recycling ensures that the discarded plastic items are strategically integrated back into the production cycle by development of certified rPET products. This sustainable approach in turn helps minimize waste.

  1. Creates Economic Opportunities

Recycling of plastics isn’t just a boon for the environment but it also offers several economic opportunities. The plastic recycling sector helps create jobs in different verticals, be it in the collection, sorting, processing or even as rPET manufacturer in which case you could develop certified rPET products. Recycling therefore helps create both employment and entrepreneurship opportunities and helps generate revenue.

  1. Helps Save Energy

The process of producing virgin plastic from raw materials involves a significant amount of energy which is essentially derived from fossil fuels. We all know that fossil fuels are non-renewable and once depleted, these fossil fuels cannot be regenerated. However, on the other hand, recycling involves a lot less use of energy, and this is almost a minuscule as compared to the energy use for production of plastic from scratch. Such saving of energy helps cut down on the greenhouse gas emission and well it contributes to a sustainable and a greener environment by mitigating the adverse climate change. 

  1. Minimizes Wastes Generated

Discarded plastics contribute to an avalanche of wastes, managing which is truly a herculean task. However, one key benefit of recycling plastics is that it helps reduce plastic waste. 

Recycling of plastics and creation of products such as rPET chips and rPET yarn helps diminish the burden on the waste management infrastructure of an economy and well it also saves the valuable landfill space which otherwise gets wasted as plastics take innumerable years to decompose. Recycling thus helps curb this concern by offering an effective way to tackle the plastic crisis. 

Go Rewise, which is backed by Ganesha Ecosphere Ltd is driven by its unwavering commitment to lead the way for a more sustainable future for the people and the planet. We are the pioneers of rPET threads which we create from pre and post consumer PET bottle scrap. We at Go Rewise are doing our bit, endeavouring to build a sustainable future with a cleaner ecosystem. Join hands with us to drive the change.